Max Wyse - Portrait / Galerie Robert Poulin (QC)

Max Wyse Sans titre (2007) acrylique et pastel sur feuille d'acrylique (61cm x 122cm)

Max Wyse est né au Canada en 1974. Il vit et travail maintenant à Perpignan en France 

Son travail se caractérise par l’utilisation d’une technique de dessin-peinture sous plexiglas, inspirée de divers traditions de peinture sous verre. L’univers surréaliste qu’il dépeint est le résultat d’un travail préalable de collage d’images hétéroclites (insectes, humains, plantes et animaux, objets et formes disparates) qui s’assemblent et formes des trames narratives où se mêle le réel et l’imaginaire.

Max Wyse Parque Mexico (2006) acrylique et pastel sur feuille d'acrylique (122cm x 122cm)

English version

Max Wyse
Born in Canada 1974, lives and works in Perpignan France

My father had cousins who built a geodesic dome in the woods in the late 1960s. The walls of the cabin and its appurtenant outhouse were lined with psychedelic cut-outs and posters from the time, barely qualifying as artifacts by the time I set my eyes upon them. These were the first things I recognized as art and they formed a kind of lens through which I continue to look as I extract the strange from the banal. Using both digital and cut and paste collage as a method of scavenging and organizing imagery, my work is characterized by a technique of drawing/painting on Plexiglas, inspired by various glass painting traditions that have been practiced since antiquity. Bringing together insects, people, plants and animals, objects and disparate forms, I seek to depict an incessant comedy of hybridization, a crossbreeding of the visible and the imaginary.

Galerie Robert Poulin

6341 Boulevard Saint-Laurent
Montréal, QC, H2S 3C3

Tel : 514 910 8906
